Top free SEO Services for wordpress | SEO training and techniques used by Gurus
Top Step by Step SEO Techniques for wordpress:
In this post I will try to explain how to do SEO for wordpress. These are the actual steps which the gurus use to do SEO for wordpress and rank no.1 in google. Experts never reveal these strategies but I wanted to help you out by explaining it! I would also recommend the top seo services as per my experience!
Steps to Follow for better wordpress SEO:
1. First of all you need to find a low competition keyword which has 1000 or more local searches. by local searches I mean the searches being carried out in USA. Go to google keyword tool or search online for google keyword tool. Now log into your account through any gmail account. Now enter any relevant word or phrase you want to find keywords for. Don’t go for keywords groups, click on keyword ideas and then select a low competition keyword with 1000 or more searches. More the no. of searches, more better it will be for your post.
2. Then you need to buy a domain with the same keyword in it for example if the keyword was "how to make clickbank money" then you may buy a domain "" and if that's not available try to put any number in the start or end of the domain name or try putting a dash in between.
3. Remember to buy only .com .net or .org domain, it will get indexed more frequently. If you are an expert blogger then it doesn’t matter which domain type you select.
4. Buy hosting which will give you the option to work with wordpress.
5. Then you need to post at least three articles with a day or two days gap in between to give an indication to search engines that your website gets updated regularly. That is not the only thing you need to do. The best practice is to write a post or two everyday if you want real success.
6. Install "All in One SEO" plugin and activate it. After activating it go to its general settings and enter Title, Description and Keywords keeping in mind the keyword you have selected. I mean to say that you need to use the keyword you selected in step no.1 in Title, Description and keywords.
7. Go to privacy settings and Check the option which says "Allow search engines to index this site". I think in the new version you don’t need to do it.
8. Go to settings and then general and give the basic details about your site keeping in mind the usage of main keyword.
9. Go to settings and then permalinks, select custom and put /%category%/%postname% and save or update.
10. Its not finished yet, the final step is to get as many backlinks as possible. For this purpose, you can submit ads to directories, classified ad sites, write articles, make review videos about your website and do blog commenting.
Also its important to submit the sitemap to google. If you are not familiar with it visit this link
–I would recommend to install “Google xml Sitemap” plugin and activate it. It will automatically make a sitemap for your site, which will be “” —
Note: use images in every post with keyword as it’s as it alt text. Also install social share plugins like ‘hupso’ or any other plugin you like.
Don’t forget to delete default page and post right after installing wordpress.
Thats all, this was not the best I could write because of shortage of time but hope it was useful.
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