How To Start an Internet Business With No Money
If you have been wanting to work from home, the internet offers wonderful opportunities. You don't have to have a college degree, and you don't have to take out a loan and prepare a business plan to get started, and you DON'T NEED MONEY. I am a single Mom. I went into debt trying to start up several home based businesses that just flopped. I don't want that to happen to anyone else. I am developing a "follow-me" plan that anyone can do. If you follow me, I will succeed and you will succeed, we will be internet entrepreneurs.
Its really important that you see the BIG picture. The Search Engines are creating a huge market for businesses and little people to exchange information. The more information we exchange, the more powerful the Search Engine becomes and the more money is poured into the marketplace...its an amazing machine...simply, simply amazing. So, take your piece, play your part and make some money. is where I might lose you. The internet works with WORDS, the search engines look for WORDS, and people go to the search engines looking for these writing is a big part of your success. Writing, placing your writing, and using your writing as a billboard for someone else's writing. Sound confusing? Well, I can iron it out for you, and I won't even sell you an e-book.
1. The first thing you need to decide on is your expertise. What do you know a lot about? What do you have strong opinions about? If you could teach something, what would it be? Make a list, its okay if it eclectic...just write down some ideas. Kick start your word program and start writing a few things. Are you good at sewing? Karate? Video games? Can you give dating advice? Are you a nutrition expert? Exercise? Building birdhouses? It doesn't have to be super-intelligent writing, but it should be genuine...just be yourself. Humor is good, and honesty is good.
2. Design a FREE website. There are tons of website hosts out there. I have mine at Freewebs. The cool thing is, you don't pay for a domain name, you can choose from hundreds of templates so you get the look you want and its EASY. Here are some other free website hosts: Zoomshare, Geocities and Bravenet Set up an account, follow the website tutorial, pick a template and start designing. Make it fun, pick a cool name for your website and take those articles you wrote and post them to your website as blogs. Now you are in business! These hosts often give you ideas and links to promote yourself in the administration area, be sure and take advantage of anything they have listed.
3. Open an Adsense, AdBrite or Bidvertiser account. This is FOUND money. These companies pay YOU to use your website as a billboard and it doesn't cost you a dime.
4. Now, you want to start directing traffic to your website. This is where the real work comes in. The idea of directing traffic to your website is to join the internet community. Experimenting with different websites, particularly websites that will help promote YOU. YOU ARE YOUR BRAND. You want to keep writing. Everything you write, post to your blog. Put away your credit card. DON'T PAY FOR ADVERTISING or SEO RANKING SERVICES. Don't do it! Period. I told you to put your credit card away and I meant it.
5. is a great way to get free traffic. When you open an account your website is listed in their referral program. They will give you a ranking in your category. For example, say in the "entertainment, general" section your website is ranked 20 of 1097. You can boost your rank to #1 or #2 just by visiting 30 websites, reviewing 5 of them and posting a forum question/answer. If you didn't understand what I just wrote...join Linkreferral, they explain it very well. The idea is to get a ranking of #10 or lower so more people will visit your site and review it. When YOU are reviewing sites, give a fabulous glowing review...this will encourage the website owner to take a look at your site and review you positively! I can't tell you how many people I have met through this service who have helped me out. I never would have gotten to this point without this service. You can update your ranking every 24 hours, I highly recommend you to do this!
6. Add a blogroll to your blog site. What is a blogroll? It is a way to link your site to other blogsites and get FREE traffic! Also since you have your website linked with other sites, your ranking improves on the Search Engines!
7. Join Yuwie! This is a social blogging website similar to MySpace, but you can earn MONEY by reading other peoples webspace and referring friends to do the same!
8. Create a lens with What is a lens? Well, a lens is like an article that shows your expertise in a subject. An article, but more tells the reader all the information you know about a certain subject. I have seen some BEAUTIFUL lenses on Squidoo, there are some really talented, knowledgeable people here. Be prepared to spend some time creating your lenses. They should be carefully thought out and have tons of information. Be impressive. You can create as many as you want...all for FREE. Remember, the idea is to bring the reader to your WEBSITE, so add your URL information! Also, Squidoo will direct you to join Digg, StumbleUpon and De.lici.ous. Do it!
9. Write an e-zine. Once a month or so...send out a simple newsletter to your friends and family via e-mail. Tell them about your articles, your websites, tell jokes, send out a recipe...just say "hello" but let them know you are in business on the internet. Keep them updated, ask them to visit your sites and read your published work...they will be impressed and you will get free traffic.
10 Create a signature for your e-mails. All this means is to add a tag to every e-mail you send with your website information. Often times e-mails are "forwarded" to more people, and if your website information is there, it will automatically be sent to others. (FREEEEEEE!)
11. Find a free mentor. HA! Easy, right? Well, you are right, not many people are giving services away these days. There is a program called Mentoring for Free, and it is actually a tremendous service, you learn a lot about personal development through that program.
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