Link Building – Don’t Get Lost In A Bad Neighbourhoo
If you’re looking into SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) you may have come across the popular topic of link building.
There’s a very good reason for this. Google’s SERPS (Search Engine Result Pages) are generated by complex algorithms, and links to your site have the most power to higher rankings & more customers.
So, the question remains : Where exactly do you get links?
Well, there are a number of ways to find and obtain them. In fact, there’s a lot of places to choose from. But, you shouldn’t rush blindly into getting links where ever you can. Link building is best treated the same way you choose a place to live.
The Good Side Of The Link Building Tracks : Abundance, Quality, Long Term & Secure.
The good side of town has quality restaurants, nice bars, good shops, and safe, pleasant and crime-free neighborhoods. People are generally friendly, although they may be a bit snobby now and then!
You know that living here is a good choice, because people earn more, are self sufficient, surround themselves with quality and like everything to be neat, tidy, safe & secure.
The Bad Side Of The Link Building Tracks : Scarcity, Cheap, Short Term & Insecure.
Now think about the dodgy side of town. It’s rough. There’s people living there on welfare. Money is scarce. The crime rate is high. Not such a safe place to live, and it’ll probably cost less to buy or rent there. The bars might harbor people who easily get into brawls, and you’ve got to watch you back as someone’s always trying to take advantage of you for their own interests.
Don’t think for a second the internet is any different!
Your site is your ‘house’ and your ‘neighborhood’ are the people that you choose to link with. Link up with quality, trusted and friendly sites and you’ll automatically be put into the ‘good part of town’ in the eyes of the search engines. Alternatively, link up with cheap, spammy, dodgy & low value sites and guess what? You’re seen as living in the rough part of town.
It’s important you choose your linking partners carefully. Quality Links = higher rankings, and Spammy Links = lower rankings. It really is that simple.
These links are easily obtained, all it takes is some time and labour cost. Google is smart and knows that these kind of links can be created, in mass, by anyone, from anywhere, for any reason. They’re low quality, they don’t hold much weight, and there’s a good chance they’ll be deleted in a few months time.
Worst of all, they can actually do damage to your sites online ranking reputation. There’s much conjecture over this, but from our perspective, we’ve seen first hand how a boat load of crappy, spammy links can knock out a otherwise well ranking site. It happens! Bottom line is, you want to avoid these links. There’s no problem with having a few of these kind of links pointing to your site, but don’t make it the majority of your link profile.
So, which side of the link building tracks do you choose to live on? We recommend the good neighborhoods. If you care about your business online, it’s really the smart way to go!
There’s a very good reason for this. Google’s SERPS (Search Engine Result Pages) are generated by complex algorithms, and links to your site have the most power to higher rankings & more customers.
So, the question remains : Where exactly do you get links?
Well, there are a number of ways to find and obtain them. In fact, there’s a lot of places to choose from. But, you shouldn’t rush blindly into getting links where ever you can. Link building is best treated the same way you choose a place to live.
Which Side Of The Tracks Are You On?
If you’ve lived anywhere for long enough, you’re bound to know the good, and dodgy, sides of ‘town’.The Good Side Of The Link Building Tracks : Abundance, Quality, Long Term & Secure.
The good side of town has quality restaurants, nice bars, good shops, and safe, pleasant and crime-free neighborhoods. People are generally friendly, although they may be a bit snobby now and then!
You know that living here is a good choice, because people earn more, are self sufficient, surround themselves with quality and like everything to be neat, tidy, safe & secure.
The Bad Side Of The Link Building Tracks : Scarcity, Cheap, Short Term & Insecure.
Now think about the dodgy side of town. It’s rough. There’s people living there on welfare. Money is scarce. The crime rate is high. Not such a safe place to live, and it’ll probably cost less to buy or rent there. The bars might harbor people who easily get into brawls, and you’ve got to watch you back as someone’s always trying to take advantage of you for their own interests.
Don’t think for a second the internet is any different!
Your site is your ‘house’ and your ‘neighborhood’ are the people that you choose to link with. Link up with quality, trusted and friendly sites and you’ll automatically be put into the ‘good part of town’ in the eyes of the search engines. Alternatively, link up with cheap, spammy, dodgy & low value sites and guess what? You’re seen as living in the rough part of town.
It’s important you choose your linking partners carefully. Quality Links = higher rankings, and Spammy Links = lower rankings. It really is that simple.
Be Careful Of Cheap, Spammy, Low Quality Links!
Low quality spammy links are easy to get, because they’re usually free. There’s a wide array of SEO Packages you can buy from people that cost anywhere from $99 – $499, and a lot of these are, for want of a better term, complete crap. We know, because we’ve seen them all. They usually consist of the following:- Spammy Blog Commenting PostsGreat Example Of A Spammy SEO Package
- Spammy Forum Posts
- Article Spinning & Mass Submission (Submitting the same article to hundreds of article sites)
- Link Farms
- Blog Farms
- Link Wheels
- Social Bookmarking Links
Worst of all, they can actually do damage to your sites online ranking reputation. There’s much conjecture over this, but from our perspective, we’ve seen first hand how a boat load of crappy, spammy links can knock out a otherwise well ranking site. It happens! Bottom line is, you want to avoid these links. There’s no problem with having a few of these kind of links pointing to your site, but don’t make it the majority of your link profile.
Gravitate Towards Getting Quality, Authoritative, & Targeted Links From Sites You Trust.
These are the kinds of links google loves. They are real links, from real sites, that exclusively link to you and other sites that they trust. At first, you may wonder how you would get links like this. But, it’s not that difficult. Here are a few suggestions based around the way we choose to build links for our clients:
Snap Up The Best Link Properties
- Links From Partner Sites (Product Suppliers, Vendors, Business Associates, etc)
- Contextual Links From Quality, Informative, Guest Posts
- Charities & Community Events You Support
- Informative & Unique Articles Posted Only On High Quality Article Sites
- Specialized, Moderated, Paid Niche Directories
- Social Media Interaction (Facebook & Twitter)
- Editorial Citations From People Who Simply Link Because Your Content Rocks Their World!
So, which side of the link building tracks do you choose to live on? We recommend the good neighborhoods. If you care about your business online, it’s really the smart way to go!
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